Article name On the Specificity of Contemporary Rural Buryat Intelligentsia
Authors Zhambalova S.G.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 394 / 395 (571. 54)
Article type
Annotation The analysis of empirical materials is carried out on the basis of fundamentally new methodological settings on the identification of contemporary intelligentsia. In contemporary Buryat rural society it reveals the presence of intelligentsia of the new format which does not coincide with any typology known earlier. As a result, a new range of people is introduced into the social stratum. These are Buddhist laymen who have neither standard higher education nor special Buddhist education. The paper shows the process of their ideology formation via special transition of traditions from knowledgeable old men to interested young people. This situation is typical for the crisis periods of history and transition of knowledge occurs both in the verbal form and with the help of Buddhist books in Old Mongolian written language. These are the people with a special psychological type of personality established as a result of small boundary states. It is revealed that this type of people is spread all over Buryatia. It is shown that women enter into this circle together with men. Their task is to revive traditional culture elements, including religiosity as the bases of the ethnos survival in the globalized world. This commitment of people to the interests of their ethnos cannot be taken as ethnic nationalism, and should be considered as ethnophilia which assumes concern about preservation and development of ethnos, its language and culture. The article concludes that in the total mass of the rural population this group of people is not numerous, however, it plays an important role in sustainable development of rural society, in preserving the ethnic specificity of the small ethnos in the polyethnic environment.
Key words rural society, Buryat Buddhists, intelligentsia, specificity, traditionalism, revival, sustainable development
Article information
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