Article name Transformation of Chinese Painting Cultural Functions in the 20th and Early 21st Centuries: A Comparative Analysis
Authors Han Bing ..Graduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The cultural and historical method used in this research helps to trace the relationship between the emergence of Chinese culture of the 20th and 21st centuries and the evolution of Chinese painting socio-cultural functions. Chinese painting has always readily fulfilled the function of cultural reflection, occupied an important place in the development of cultural identity throughout the modern history of China. But if at the beginning of the 20th century Chinese painting was in the process of gaining its own identity, finding a national idea, then, at the beginning of the 21st century it has its own national traditions. In addition to overcoming the pressure of ideology, autonomization of the creative process allows practitioners and theorists to focus on theoretical issues and expand the subjects and variety of styles. It leads to the development of such tendencies in the development of Chinese painting as psychology, aesthetization and axiology.
Key words cultural functions, cultural approach, modern and traditional Chinese painting, evolution of painting, cultural identity
Article information
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Full articleTransformation of Chinese Painting Cultural Functions in the 20th and Early 21st Centuries: A Comparative Analysis