Article name On Emancipation of Instrumental Music in the 18th Century Music Aesthetics: From the History of Music Theory
Authors Shushkova O.M.Doctor of Arts, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 785
Article type
Annotation The paper studies the problem of recognizing the independence of instrumental music in the 18th century musical aesthetics. Instrumental music was considered an imitation of vocal music. The influence of vocal music on instrumental music manifested itself in thematism and formation peculiarities of the latter, and in its canorous style of performance. The independence of instrumental music was substantiated by the theory of the 18th century through proving it to be of the equal potential to express emotions and human feelings, as well as its exceptional timbre expressiveness.
Key words instrumental music, musical theory and aesthetics of the 18th century, emotion, textual and musical form
Article information
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