Article name Language Life (Figl’-Migl’. The Novel «Shchaste»)
Authors Akhmetova G.D.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 882.09
Article type
Annotation The live language processes taking place in modern Russian prose are analyzed in the article. The significance of the research is connected with the problems of the analysis of the art text which define development of text stylistics – a perspective direction of modern philology. As a research material the novel «Shchaste» which was written by the writer being published under a pseudonym of Figl’-Migl’ is used. The basic results of research consist of the description and analysis of live language processes and reflect the general development of modern art prose, and also literary language development. The live language processes revealed in different texts, give the chance to speak about uniform language space of modern Russian prose. The conclusions which can be made as a result of research are connected with the fact that traditions of realism are revealed in modern literature, and new phenomena indicate dynamism, movement, language life.
Key words live language processes, art prose, traditions, language life
Article information
References 1. Zvezdina Ju. V. Metafora v povestvovanii: kompozicionno-jazykovoj aspekt (na materiale sovremennoj russkoj prozy) : avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Ulan-Udje, 2012. 25 s. 2. Figl\'-Migl\'. Wast\'e : roman. SPb. : Limbus Press, Izd-vo K. Tublina, 2011. 320 s.
Full articleLanguage Life (Figl’-Migl’. The Novel «Shchaste»)