Article name The Role of Homogeneous Parts of a Sentence in Forming the Category of Space in the Linguistic Artistic Picture of the World (Based on I. S. Turgenev\'s Prose)
Authors Ayupov S.M.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor а
Ayupova S.B.Candidate of Philology, associate professor а
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1’373
Article type
Annotation The significance of this work is determined by its orientation to the establishment of the writer’s role in conceptualization of the fiction world, such as an initial constant as space. The aim of this work was to reveal the role of the homogeneous parts of sentences in forming the category of space to extend the description of the structure and semantics of this category in the language on the whole and in linguistic artistic picture of the world. The authors analyse types of homogeneous parts of sentences with local meaning and their functions in forming the category of space in linguistic artistic picture of the world. In Turgenev’s prose homogeneous parts of sentences with local meaning on the one hand, substantially expand spatial perspective of the text, and on the other hand participate in expressing not only the static but also the dynamics of the space and syncretic type of speech combining the signs of the statics and dynamics.
Key words category of space, linguistic artistic picture of the world, prose, homogeneous parts of sentences, I. S. Turgenev
Article information
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Full articleThe Role of Homogeneous Parts of a Sentence in Forming the Category of Space in the Linguistic Artistic Picture of the World (Based on I. S. Turgenev\'s Prose)