Article name From Rhetoric to Poetry: to a Problem of Progress of Dialogue in Poetry of the Epoch of Classicism (on the Material of Lyrics of A. Kantemir, М. В . Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokov)
Authors Berdnikova T.V.Candidate of Philology, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.161.1
Article type
Annotation The article is about researching of progress of dialogue in poetry of Russian classicism. Dynamics of progress of dialogue is considered on the example of one part of a dialogue – reference. A. Kantemir’s, М. V. Lomonosov’s, A. P. Sumarokov’s texts are considered. The specific character of progress of a poetic dialogue during the epoch of classicism as a result comes to light: movement from the rhetorical beginning to poetic. Process of rapprochement of dialogue in the poetic text with the dialogue in live informal conversation is described. The process of reference variation function is considered: in poetry of early classicism it carries out composition function, during the more recent period the reference represents itself as a parameter of a communicative orientation of the text. Texts of different genres are analyzed: an ode, a lyric, satire. The author draws a conclusion about regularities in dialogue development: from rhetoric to poetic.
Key words dialogue, poetic text, function, reference, lyrics
Article information
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Full articleFrom Rhetoric to Poetry: to a Problem of Progress of Dialogue in Poetry of the Epoch of Classicism (on the Material of Lyrics of A. Kantemir, М. В . Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokov)