Article name The Author’s Usage of Folklore in A. Platonov’s Drama (on the Material of the Play «Fools on the Periphery»)
Authors Golovanov I.A.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 882
Article type
Annotation The article analyses the peculiarities of Platonov’s drama in which folklore themes motives and images have a great importance. It is maintained that understanding of the author’s usage of folklore can’t result only in using the folklore works fragments in literary texts and the author’s usage of folklore is defined as the writer’s orientation at the artistic system of folklore as a whole, including axiological arrangements, mental stereotypes, motives and images. On the material of one of the first plays by A. Platonov «Fools on the Periphery» basic aesthetic principles of the author in depicting characters and events are identified, which rise to the folklore perception of the world.
Key words artistic text, drama, author’s usage of folklore, folklore image, folklore motive
Article information
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Full articleThe Author’s Usage of Folklore in A. Platonov’s Drama (on the Material of the Play «Fools on the Periphery»)