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Article name | The Language of Modern Mass Media: World Modeling Problem |
Authors | Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 811 + 002. 703.0 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the logosphere of modern mass media. The main characteristic features and dominant language technologies are distinguished. The interaction between the language system of mass media, the national world model and the picture of the addressee world are described. The creators of modern media text oriented to the interests and needs of the audience make up a two-level dialogue: appeal to the feelings and address to the intelligence of a potential consumer. In the course of realization of the dialogue practices and due to the choice of the corresponding language resources a specific virtual world model is formed which is characterized by hyperemotional breadth, inner dramatic nature, speech democratization of communication, «aestheticism of the ugly», reductionism associativeness and intercontextuality. Logosphere of mass media is a dynamic and multi valued sphere in the frames of which both processes of active representation of traditions and modernization of conceptual potential of home culture are reflected. The author of the article is convinced that the creative work of a language personality of media text, various interpretations of mental meanings should enliven national culture and not promote its fading. |
Key words | mediatext, hyperemotional breadth, aestheticism, intercontextuality, creative work, home culture |
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Full article | The Language of Modern Mass Media: World Modeling Problem |