Article name About Dostoevsky’s Portrait Meaning
Authors Mehtiev V.G.Doctor of Philology, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.161.1.09
Article type
Annotation The article generalizes the portrait creation principles in Dostoevsky’s works. The concept of «completed», «monologue» and «dialogue» are used to characterize the portrait. The ratio of different types of portraits, their relationship with the writer’s creativity dialogic system are revealed. The characters’ function described in accordance with the «turnover» principle under certain conditions can be understood as a dialogic function. Dostoevsky’s discoveries, as it turns out, can serve as a means of understanding the conflicting patterns of inartistic, historical and cultural realities. Metatext value is considered in Dostoevsky’s artistic methods; on the example of his portrait art the author draws the conclusion about the specific features of polemics between Westernizers and Slavophiles, the possibilities and prospects for dialogue between the identity and uniqueness of national-cultural spaces.
Key words monologue, complete, portrait, Westernizers and Slavophiles, dialogue
Article information
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