Article name The Interference and Literary Language
Authors Pleshkova T.N.Doctor of Philology, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1’367
Article type
Annotation Some private results of long-term research within the limits of the problem of the language situation, carried out by the author on the territory of the Arkhangelsk North are shown in the article. According to sociolinguistics positions significant problems of intralinguistic interference which arises from literary language and dialect interaction in indigenous population speech in extensive territory of historical distribution of northern-Russian national dialects are revealed. National dialects transformed under the influence of known factors continue to exist in the changed form, and especially it is shown in speech of native speakers of the senior age group. The phenomena of different levels of a dialect system under the influence of the surrounding speech environment keep functional activity and are frequent enough in speech of native speakers of different age and social groups from among indigenous population of the Arkhangelsk North whose statements contain literary and simultaneously dialect units that testifies to processes of intraspeech interference. The article materials can be used in studying language situations of other regions of the Russian Federation that is extremely important for creation of an overall picture of the existence of Russian in modern conditions.
Key words interference, literary language, dialect, speech continuum, native speaker
Article information
References 1. Pleshkova T. N. Jazykovoe prostranstvo Arhangel\'skogo Severa» // Wyraz i zdanie w jen-zykach slowianskich. Wroclaw, 2009. 2. Social\'no-jekonomicheskoe polozhenie Arhangel\'skoj oblasti v janvare−marte 2010 goda. Statistika // Volna. 2011. 8 maja.
Full articleThe Interference and Literary Language