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Article name | Dialect Vocabulary of the Talks of Borzya District Villages in Trans-Baikal Region |
Authors | Plyaskina E.I.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 408.7 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the dialect vocabulary, part of core thematic groups (TG): “names of domestic animals”, “names of buildings”, “names of clothing”, “names of shoes” and “names of atmospheric phenomena”. The dialect vocabulary is vital for native speakers and is connected with the surrounding reality as an essential part of communicative fund dialect, which is used in everyday communication with family and fellow villagers. The main features of dialect words are the following: specificity of meaning, the tendency to detail (that is why such words are often the aspective names for generic all-Russian names in thematic groups), close relationship with the denotatum, which provides meaning motivation and transparency of the inner form of a word supported by clear derivational words structure and monocemy (there are few polysemic words in the presentive vocabulary of a dialect). These features of the dialect vocabulary contribute to the objectives in everyday communication of dialect speakers limited to this particular area. |
Key words | everyday vocabulary, dialect vocabulary, vernacularism, lexical dialect, semantic dialect, homonym, lexical-semantic variant, dialect variant |
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Full article | Dialect Vocabulary of the Talks of Borzya District Villages in Trans-Baikal Region |