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Article name | А Composition Role of Graphical Tools in a Literary Text |
Authors | Rabdanova L.R.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 418.2 + 8.08 |
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Annotation | The article discusses features of the study of graphical tools in a literary text. To identify types and functions of graphical tools the author of the article studied the materials of the following researchers such as E. A. Anisimova, G. D. Akhmetova, V. G. Kostomarov, M. N. Epstein, M. B. Voroshilova, A. V. Ivanova and others. Analyzing the works of the above mentioned scientists the author marked the variety of graphical tools usage (italic, larger and smaller font, paragraph division, etc.) which are marked in a language composition of a text. In addition, the author drew attention to the peculiarity of the author\'s use of punctuation. In order to determine the graphical tools and their composition role discussed in the text of modern prose writer V. Degtev, the author analyzed the following works: «Four Lives», «Grace,» «Cross», «Mitrofan Fultikultyapisty,» «Warmth of Old Years», etc. Consideration of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the use of graphical tools and the analysis of B. Degtev’s prose facilitated the identification of composition role of graphical tools and the author\'s punctuation in the text. |
Key words | language composition, graphics, graphic prose, composition markedness, creolized text, verbal text, the author\'s punctuation, subjectivation |
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Full article | А Composition Role of Graphical Tools in a Literary Text |