Article name Living Language Processes in the Novel by Sergey Bolmat “Sami po Sebe” (on the Contrast with the German Language)
Authors Troitski-Schäfer M..Zabaikalky State University
Bibliographic description
UDK 882.09
Article type
Annotation The novel “Sami po sebe” by Sergey Bolmat has been discussed in this article, as well as the living language processes of the modern Russian prose in contrast to the translation of this novel into the German language. In the novel the typical language processes are observed as well as the characteristic of the idiosyncrasies of the author. The living language processes are language and stylistic drifts. They document and reflect the status of the language in this epoch, as well as effect the perception of the reader through the authenticity and the natural language. In contrast with the German language the living language processes can be researched in the best way. The contrast already begins with the title of the novel. Furthermore, one can suppose the specialties, which are typical only for the Russian novel, or for the German novel or similar processes in both languages.
Key words living language, modern Russian prose, language processes, Sergey Bolmat, translation, German language
Article information
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Full articleLiving Language Processes in the Novel by Sergey Bolmat “Sami po Sebe” (on the Contrast with the German Language)