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Article name | Means of Graphic Marking in Modern Prose |
Authors | Zhou Zhongcheng ..Postgraduate Student |
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Annotation | Some means of graphic marking in modern prose are analyzed in the article: features of a font, a phonetic writing and composition breakages. Graphic marking is considered as both the reflection of live language processes, and the composition-stylistic phenomenon; for example, subjectified narration can be graphically marked. Thus, a graphic verbal number is combined with composition pieces of the text. The graphic means used in modern prose (for example, in V. Makanin’s novel «Fright») can be considered as traditional to some extent. Hence, it is possible to speak about traditions of realism in modern prose, about realistic construction of the text. In modern prose there is strengthening and various methods of text organization including means of graphic marking, i. e. it is possible to speak about the further development of Russian literature. |
Key words | graphic marking, a font, language processes, realism |
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Full article | Means of Graphic Marking in Modern Prose |