Article name Turn-taking as a Fundamental Factor of Dynamic Structure of Conversational Discourse
Authors Vlasyan G.R.Candidate of Philology, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 415.616.2
Article type
Annotation Turn-taking is a basic form of organization for conversation, which has been described as a process in which one participant talks, then stops and gives the floor to another participant who starts talking, so we obtain a distribution of talk between two participants. Turn-taking in a dialogue is a complex communicative event, the nature of which is influenced by the extralinguistic situation. Turn-taking is the most natural and necessary constituent of linguistic communication in any group, which is carried out subconsciously and automatically. We believe that the process of turntaking in different types of conversations will be different because of the cognitive and sociocultural factors. Conversational dialogues are characterized by high involvement style which is aimed at strengthening the social contact and showing the high level of understanding.
Key words turn-taking, style of turn-taking, conversational discourse
Article information
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Full articleTurn-taking as a Fundamental Factor of Dynamic Structure of Conversational Discourse