Article name About Conservation Capacity of Anaphony in Translation of French Poetry into Russian
Authors Golimbiovskaya E.S.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 81’25
Article type
Annotation The paper considers anaphony phenomena in original and translated poetic texts (on the material of the French and Russian languages). The significance of the chosen subject is defined by the fact that up to this day the question wasn’t taken up, despite the intense interest to the phonic ordonnance of poetry. The paper also specifies criteria of anaphony existence in a text, such as existence of a prop / key word/ unit and sound repetitions for it within a line (for anaphony at the linguistic unit level); existence of key word / unit and transcendence of text abundance of word sounds / unit of speech context (for anaphony at the text level). The author describes in details the testing algorithm of text character anaphony existence and shows the conservation capacity of both types of anaphony in translation of poetry from French into Russian.
Key words pragmatic potential; translation of anaphony compositions; key word/ element; speech context
Article information
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