Article name Latin American Literature in Russian Book Publishing
Authors Krasilnikova A.M.Postgraduate Student
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UDK 882
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Annotation Latin American literature is popular all other the world, history of its publishing in Russia numbers 80 years, during this time the great experience of editing was accumulated, which is needed to be analysed. The paper deals with the reasons for the appearance of the first publications of Latin American literature in the Soviet Union, changes in the selection of authors, number of printed copies and editing the secondary matter of publications in the Soviet period, as well as the state of publishing Latin American literature in modern Russia. The results of the research could be used in preparing new publications of Latin American authors as well as become a basis for research of the reader’s interest in Latin American literature in Russia. The paper concludes that reader’s interest in Latin American literature is strong and proposes several ways in which publishing of Latin American literature can develop.
Key words Latin American literature, book publishing, history of publishing, editing
Article information
References 1. Istorija literatur Latinskoj Ameriki. XX vek: 20–90-e gody. M., 2004. S. 584. 2. Kofman A. F. Sovetskij Sojuz v literature Latinskoj Ameriki // Latinskaja Amerika. 2011. № 3. S. 62–75. 3. Jerraes M. Hulio Kortasar. Drugaja storona vewjoj ; per. A. Borisovoj. SPb. : Azbuka-Klassika, 2005. 352 s. 4. The Cambridge Companion to Modern Latin American Culture / Edited by John King. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. 356 p.
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