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Article name | Concept “Nirvana” in the Context of Reception of Buddhistic Ideas in Russian Philosophical Culture in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries |
Authors | Bernyukevich T.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor |
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UDK | 81’27 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the problem of revealing concept “nirvana” peculiarities in Russian philosophical culture in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Regarding linguistic semantics as a part of cultural semantics the author writes about particular role of “cultural specific” words-concepts in the system of culture. The idea about transformation of meanings of concepts in the historical cultural process reflecting universals of another culture as the evidence of reception peculiarities of these cultural universals, basic ideas of culture, is expressed in the article. The author considers the changes in the meaning of concept “nirvana” in the works of famous Russian thinkers in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Social cultural factors of these changes are defined by analysis of these semantic processes; in conclusion the role of philosophical reflection in reception of other culture meanings is determined. |
Key words | linguistic semantics, cultural semantics, concept, nirvana, Buddhistic ideas, Russian philosophy |
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Full article | Concept “Nirvana” in the Context of Reception of Buddhistic Ideas in Russian Philosophical Culture in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries |