Article name Specific Characteristics of Bush Ballad Linguistic Picture of the World
Authors Vorontsova T.I.Doctor of Philology, professor
Shironosova V.S.postgraduate student
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.111: 82–1
Article type
Annotation The article considers the term «linguistic picture of the world», which is defined as a result of cognition caused by thinking, reality and language treated as a means of expressing thoughts during communication. Linguistic picture of the world has national characteristics. Thus the analysis of the linguistic picture of the world of a text (namely Australian ballad) gives an opportunity to understand the perception of the world peculiar to a definite nation. Lexicon is one of the most important components of linguistic picture of the world that is why the lexical level of ballads under study serves as a foundation of the analysis of their linguistic picture of the world.
Key words linguistic world image, specific features of national culture conveyed by linguistic means, ballad, Australian literature, bush songs
Article information
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Full articleSpecific Characteristics of Bush Ballad Linguistic Picture of the World