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Article name | Specific Characteristics of Bush Ballad Linguistic Picture of the World |
Authors | Vorontsova T.I.Doctor of Philology, professor vti2005@yandex.ruShironosova V.S.postgraduate student |
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UDK | 811.111: 82–1 |
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Annotation | The article considers the term «linguistic picture of the world», which is defined as a result of cognition caused by thinking, reality and language treated as a means of expressing thoughts during communication. Linguistic picture of the world has national characteristics. Thus the analysis of the linguistic picture of the world of a text (namely Australian ballad) gives an opportunity to understand the perception of the world peculiar to a definite nation. Lexicon is one of the most important components of linguistic picture of the world that is why the lexical level of ballads under study serves as a foundation of the analysis of their linguistic picture of the world. |
Key words | linguistic world image, specific features of national culture conveyed by linguistic means, ballad, Australian literature, bush songs |
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References | 1. Andreeva M. G. Ot podrazhatel\'nosti k nacional\'nomu svoeobraziju (iz istorii avstra-lijskoj pojezii XIX veka) // Avstralijskaja literatura / pod red. A. S. Petrikovskoj. M. : Nauka, 1978. 176 c. 2. Voroncova T. I. Konceptual\'naja kartina mira teksta ballady (na materiale anglijskih i shotlandskih ballad) : monografija. SPb. : IVJeSJeP, filial v g. Habarovske, 2004. 139 s. 3. Orlov G. A Sovremennyj anglijskij jazyk v Avstralii : ucheb. posobieja dlja ped. vuzov. M. : Vyssh. shkola, 1978. 172 s. 4. Postovalova V. I. Kartina mira v zhiznedejatel\'nosti cheloveka // Rol\' chelovecheskogo faktora v jazyke: Jazyk i kartina mira / pod. red. B. A. Serebrennikova. M. : Nauka, 1988. 216 s. 5. Baker S. J. The Australian Language. Sydney, London, 1966. 425 p. 6. Jose A. W. History of Australia: from the earliest times to the present day with a chapter on Aus-tralian literature. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1913. 376 p. 7. Manifold J. S. Who Wrote The Ballades? Notes on Australian Folksong. Sydney: Australian Book Society, 1964. 176 p. 8. Paterson A. B. The Old Bush Songs: Composed and Sung in the Bushranging, Digging and Overlanding Days. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1905. 135 p. 9. The Collins G. Australian Dictionary. Sydney: Harper Collins Publishers, 1994. 1888 p. |
Full article | Specific Characteristics of Bush Ballad Linguistic Picture of the World |