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Article name | Conceptual Systematics of Phraseological Units with the Component ‘Woman’ in Languages of Different Systems |
Authors | Kostyushkina G.M.Doctor of Philology, Professor kostushkina@mail.ruKonogorova A.V.postgraduate student |
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UDK | 800 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the conceptual-categorical mechanism, organizing the phraseological system with the gender component ‘woman’ in languages of different systems (Russian, English and German). All the phraseological units are united into 4 most frequent conceptual spaces: family, appearance, negative internal qualities, positive internal qualities. Every conceptual space includes several semantic groups (conceptual characteristics). For example, the conceptual space of family consists of such semantic groups as house, wedding, maternity, youth, old age, widowhood. The conceptual space of appearance is formed by the beauty of Woman and its interaction with the internal female qualities. The conceptual space of internal negative qualities is represented by such semantic characteristics as viciousness, garrulity, perfidy, rubbish character, inferiority of female intellect, inconstancy, dissoluteness and so on. Among the positive internal female characteristics in the conceptual space with the same nomination one can see such semantic groups as intellect, intuition, courage, tenderness, kindness. In Russian, English, German cultures the share of conceptual spaces in phraseological units with the component “woman” is different. |
Key words | systemic mechanism, conceptual space, semantic group, conceptual sign, conceptualization, categorization, gender |
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Full article | Conceptual Systematics of Phraseological Units with the Component ‘Woman’ in Languages of Different Systems |