Article name Revitalization of Religion in the Context of Rational and Philosophical Thinking in the Era of Postmodernism
Authors Mavlyautdinov I.S. Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor,
Kerentsev А.N. Senior Teacher,
Bibliographic description
UDK 2:1
Article type
Annotation There is a certain tension in the relationship between religious beliefs and rational thinking. With the development of modern society, the rationalist view has captured many aspects of our existence. However, the rationality of post/positivism did not cope with solving the problems of humanity, however aggravated his situation. There will always be those who oppose science and rationalist thinking because science cannot give answers to the so-called “eternal” questions: about the meaning and purpose of our life. Namely, these issues have always been at the heart of religion. At times, science and religion were in opposition to each other. It is sufficient to recall the argument of evolutionists and creationists. According to becoming more and more of its supporters to the view that rational philosophy and science have not coped with the mission assigned to them by Education, “High spirituality” in post-secular period is interwined with the theological dimension, and in the era of postmodernism, there are all prerequisites for the implementation of this mission. Therefore, the time has come again, passing this very function of religion, to rethink religious heritage. A new round of the historical process of the era of postmodernism brings with it a new wave of response to the challenges of modernity. “Rationality” and “religiosity” in the dialectic identify new opportunities rethinking of the perennial questions in the light of the latest achievements of science and philosophy.
Key words revitalization, correlationism, religion, postmodernism, rationality
Article information
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Full articleRevitalization of Religion in the Context of Rational and Philosophical Thinking in the Era of Postmodernism