Article name Typology and Classification of Small Towns of Eastern Tansbaikalia: Socio-Economic, Cultural and Historical Aspects
Authors Eylbart N.V. Doctor of History, Associate Professor,
Baldandorzhiev Z.B. ,
Bibliographic description
Section Theoretical Aspect of Studying Cultures
UDK 911.375.3(188.3)
Article type
Annotation The article describes the cultural and historical development of small towns – Nerchinsk and Krasnokamensk as representatives of two types of small towns in Eastern Transbaikalia. The typology of small towns is based on the dynamics of the analysis of cultural and historical development of small settlements in Eastern Transbaikalia. The classification of urban settlements supplements to the presented typology and is based on the interdependence and mutual influence of the economic profile, social and cultural activities and inclusion of cultural and historical heritage in the life of small towns. The article analyzes the socio-economic specificity of urban settlements development and presents the technique for analyzing and diagnosing the socio-cultural and economic activity and including cultural and historical heritage in the life of small towns to classify urban settlements of Eastern Transbaikalia.
Key words historical, cultural, socio-economic development, typology, classification, small town, cultural heritage
Article information
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Full articleTypology and Classification of Small Towns of Eastern Tansbaikalia: Socio-Economic, Cultural and Historical Aspects