Article name The Educational Lexico-Syntactical Dictionary for Foreign Students: the Problems of Organizing Vocabulary Material
Authors Vasilyeva G.M.Doctor of Philosophy, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1(043.2)
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problems of the new type dictionary creation – the educational lexico-syntactical dictionary for foreign students who are studying the Russian language. The matter of the dictionary is the structure of the object clause of a compound sentence that is meant for explication of speech, thought and feeling and that is why it is frequent in the language. The object clause of a compound sentence is one of the most complex elements of the language system and it causes difficulties for foreign students at any stage of education. The author offers to release two editions of this dictionary: one for the elementary stage of teaching Russian (for beginners) and the other for the advanced stage of teaching Russian. A model for creating the educational lexico-syntactical dictionary, based on the ideographic principle of material organization is represented in the article.
Key words educational lexico-syntactical dictionary; compound sentence; foreign students; ideographic principle of material organization
Article information
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