Article name Contemporary Russian Fine Art in Learning Russian as a Foreign Language in Slovakia
Authors Martin Lizon ..Matej Bel University
Bibliographic description
UDK 800+82
Article type
Annotation In this article the problems of the modern Slovak Russian studies connected with the society transformations and the necessity of using new methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RaFL) are considered. The main difficulties discussed are the combination of transition to the cultural conception in teaching Russian. Special attention is given to the implementation of the texts of visual arts in teaching RaFL. The disproportional usage of the classical works of visual arts is proved in the article. It is the disproportional usage which is the main reason to extend the existing model. As a result, the using of socialist art, as one of the brightest phenomenon of Russian fine art, is recommended to introduce in this model. An example of the soc-art creation is the object of “Khrushchev-Nevalyashka” by Leonid Sokolov, which combines the most important symbols and principals of the soc-art. The leading example of this creation is suggested in this article. On this example, the role of contemporary art in teaching Russian history and culture is proved and the significance of the art in teaching critical thinking is emphasized.
Key words Russian as a foreign language, Comtemporary Russian Art, soc-art, Leonid Sokolov, Russian history and culture, interpretation of the art work
Article information
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