Article name Philosophical Foundations of Robotics
Authors Ladygina I.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 101.1:004.896
Article type
Annotation This article states that robotics is one of the newest branches of science of the 20th century, which is the result of interdisciplinary interactions between electronics, cybernetics and control theory, computing and information technology. In the development of science one can distinguish the periods of conversion of all the components of its foundations. The author proposes a scheme “A connection between scientific worldviews, regulatory structure of research and philosophical foundations of science”. Change in the scientific worldviews was accompanied by a radical change in the regulatory structure of the study, as well as the philosophical foundations of science. These periods are rightly considered as global scientific revolutions that have changed the type of scientific rationality. The scientific revolution is a new stage in the development of science, which includes radical and global change in the process and content of scientific knowledge due to the transition to the new theoretical and methodological grounds, new fundamental concepts and methods and a new scientific worldview. Robotics is a result of scientific and technological revolution of the post-non-classical period of the history of science, it uses approaches developed by the classical science. All development issues, objectives and approaches emerging in robotics are closely related to the problems of classical, non-classical and post‒ non-classical science. It can be assumed and proved that robotics developed during all periods of the history of science.
Key words robotics, classical science, non-classical science, post–non-classical science, scientific and technological revolution, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, robot system, robot
Article information
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