Article name Space and Time of Virtual Narrative: Fractal Approach
Authors Shaev Y.M.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Shaev Yu. M. Space and Time of Virtual Narrative: Fractal Approach // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 81–91.
UDK 115.4:004.946
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes time and space of virtual narrative, which are compared to a fractal approach in science and philosophy. Virtual narrative is considered as realization of the story line of computer video games or interactive cinema. The examples of modern computer games, which are implemented in the framework of virtual narrative – modern video games with an open world game. The space of the virtual computer game narrative is represented as a complex phenomenon that implements the features of the gameplay, visual effects and principles of algorithmization, the complexity of which is isomorphic to fractals and fractal principles of visualization complexity. The time in virtual narrative is also considered in the view of fractal complexity examples of metamorphosis timeline within the virtual narrative. The conclusion is made about the possible productivity of fractal theory in the description of the multilayer structure of ontology of virtual narrative and its main components – space and time.
Key words space, time, virtual narrative, videogame, virtual space, fractal, sign
Article information
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Full articleSpace and Time of Virtual Narrative: Fractal Approach