Article name Intertextuality of Modern Chelyabinsk Poetry
Authors Smyshlyaev E.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Smyshlyaev E. A. Intertextuality of Chelyabinsk Modern Poetry // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 18–24. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-18-24.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-18-24
UDK 821.161.1.1
Article type
Annotation This article presents an analysis of intertextual links of contemporary Chelyabinsk poetry. They appear in the text by the presence of specific markers correlating different artistic structures (direct or hidden quotations, interpretation of themes and subjects, allusion, parody, imitation, etc.). We have studied framework poems by Ya. Grants, V. Kalpidi, A. Samoilov, N. Sannikova, I. Argutinа and other authors from Chelyabinsk in the article. Intertextual connections and reference appear in the spatial images, in author’s model of space image in the text. The poets from Chelyabinsk consciously use intertextual techniques. Intertextuality is included in the literary strategy of the authors. The dialogic nature of the interaction of Chelyabinsk poets expressed in the citation and use of each other’s texts as precedent ones extends the semantic field of Chelyabinsk modern poetry and provides the meaning augment. On the example of poetic texts by Chelyabinsk authors, we prove that the intertextuality of modern poetry manifests itself not only in the crossed dedication of the same locus poets, but in dedications of symbolic figures and movements from the outside (dedication to creativity of OBERIUts, allusions to the texts by I. Brodsky, Daniil Kharms, Marina Tsvetaeva, etc.).
Key words intertext, intertextual space, semantic space, allusion, reminiscence, quoting, local text
Article information
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