Article name Representation of the Good and Evil Concepts in Ch. T. Aitmatov’s Works (Based on the Novel Plakha)
Authors Chonmurunova N.Z.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Chonmurunova N. Z. Representation of the Good and Evil Concepts in Ch. T. Aitmatov’s Works (Based on the Novel Plakha) // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 87–92.
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation The article considers the ways of representation of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ concepts as cognitive structures and as universals of human thinking, their informative features based on their verbal objectification in Aitmatov’s language (based on the novel Plakha). This article discusses the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ as universals of human thinking in terms of cognitive linguistics, opening their informative characteristics based on their verbal objectification in Chyngyz Aitmatov’s language (based on the novel Plakha). Analysis which was made by us shows that the concept of ‘evil’ has the idea of destruction. If good cannot be attached to a person, but evil usually sticks on a person from outside. Evil as an act could be “addressed to a particular person, i. e. be evil in terms of its benefits and happiness”. From Chyngyz Aitmatov’s point of view, evil can be addressed to the whole humanity. In Ch. Aitmatov’s texts, the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ are the basic concepts. Conceptual meaning of ‘evil’ concept is the main essential part in the novel Plakha by Ch. Aitmatov. Cognitive components of the evil are formed from the meaning of something bad, harmful, trouble, misfortune,nuisance, and annoyance (to do something with anger, to be angry to someone), and all these are the basis for making of ‘evil’ concept. The concept of ‘evil’ due to conceptual level has a hierarchically complex frame-based structure consisting of slots (as an element of the concept), which verbalize their lexical units in the language. Analysis of lexical units, filling the concept’s script reveals their ability to implement those or other signs of ‘evil’ concept. The concept of ‘evil’ in the novel is represented by the following frames: ‘Moûnkumskoe svetoprestavlenie’, ‘Daturatrava’, ‘Bazarbai’. Conceptual component of the ‘good’ concept in the article characterizes all positive, bright, pleasant, successful, useful things, such as good works, acts that bring the benefits. The concept of ‘good’ in Ch. Aitmatov’s novels consists of the following frames: ‘Avdii’, ‘Volki’ and ‘Boston’. In Ch. Aitmatov’s concept sphere, ‘good’ is the concept belonging to the spiritual and ideological spheres of human life, it is one of the main concepts that form the moral aspects of human life. The word ‘good’ explains the idea of creation, and the idea of bright potential mankind in his works.
Key words concept, frame, slots, cognitive linguistics
Article information
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Full articleRepresentation of the Good and Evil Concepts in Ch. T. Aitmatov’s Works (Based on the Novel Plakha)