Article name The Narrow-Gauge Railways of Chita Oblast: Lacuna of History
Authors Skripuchiy D.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Skripuchiy D. V. The Narrow-Gauge Railways of Chita Oblast: Lacuna of History // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 78–85.
UDK 656.4(571.5)(09)
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the history of two long closed narrow-gauge railways of Chita oblast. Due to the archive documents the data of the scale of such railroads are firstly revealed. The main challenge in research is the lack of detailed reports about the activity of the narrow-gauge transport that does not allow reconstructing the holistic past. The narrow-gauge railways managing by the Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky Ironworks and the Arbagar coal company with the gross length of no more than 40 km, carried ore, timber and coal. The chronology of the Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky road is unknown. Both railways worked on the steam locomotive traction. The authorities did not make decisions to renovate the roads for diesel traction because of steady low level of the freight traffic. The author mentions everyday problems during the exploitation. The Ministry of railways reluctantly fixed the narrow-gauge rolling stock. According to the project of Vershino-Darasun gold exploration and extraction, the planning organs started to construct a narrow- gauge way from Holbon to Vershino-Darasun, but rails and sleepers were sent to the war front.
Key words narrow-gauge railway, the Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky Ironworks, the Arbagar coal company, the Balyaga mines, Holbon
Article information
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Full articleThe Narrow-Gauge Railways of Chita Oblast: Lacuna of History