Article name Quality of Life in Modern Science and Practice: Theory and Empirism
Authors Liga M.B.Doctor of Sociology, Professor
Shchetkina I.A.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor
Zakharova E.Y.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Liga M. B., Shchetkina I. A., Zakharova E. Yu. Quality of Life in Modern Science and Practice: Theory and Empirism // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 39–46. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-39-46
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-39-46
UDK 332.1
Article type
Annotation At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty- first century, the quality of life became the leading trend of development of world civilization. Representatives of different areas of scientific knowledge ‒ psychologists, philosophers, physicians, sociologists, historians, etc. addressed this perspective. This concept was often used in program documents of parties and governments and election campaigns. The appeal to a perspective of quality of life in science and practice was determined by change moving development of society, the increasing role of a human factor in social and economic processes. In this article, we disclose theoretical and applied aspects of quality of life, designate their interaction, give an assessment of quality of life on the basis of the selected indicators, i. e. the standard of living, life satisfaction, satisfaction with a situation in the country and point of accommodation. In this research, the quality of life is understood as satisfaction with the personality with extent of implementation not only material but also social, spiritual and cultural needs determined by the standard of living of the individual, the system of values, personal perception. In 2019, the Faculty of Sociology, research institute of social and humanitarian problems of Transbaikal State University carried out the sociological research “Assessment of Quality of Life of the Population and Activity of Local Governments of Transbaikal Territory” aimed at studying the quality of life of the population. The analysis of data revealed that in the social structure of Transbaikal Territory, the most numerous is the cluster with the average level of wellbeing; most respondents considered that there are no conditions for self-realization in Transbaikal Territory and municipal districts (city districts); most respondents characterized their mood as optimistic.
Key words quality of life, standard of living, satisfaction, social mood, indicators, models
Article information
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