Article name Social-philosophical Bases of the Competence Model of the Municipal Employee
Authors Zabneva E.I.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Zabneva E. I. Social-philosophical Bases of the Competence Model of the Municipal Employee // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 47–54. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-47-54.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-47-54
UDK 300.36
Article type
Annotation In the article, the theoretical analysis of competence-based model of managerial personnel is carried out. On the basis of T. Peters’ and R. Waterman’s methodology, we investigate problems of the organization of a control system where managerial personnel, technologies and performing structures of the organization are included. We analyze the competence-based model of the municipal employee that is based on identification of features of administrative activity and also reproduction of managerial personnel at the present stage of development of society. The key approval of this concept is the provision that a basis of any organization is the person on whom the success of functioning depends. However, not only the aspiration to consider results of activity of each of subjects but also understanding that the effectiveness of work of each of experts depends on his training to act effectively in modern conditions is significant. Achievement of professionalism by municipal employees of the highest level based on an optimum set of competences has to be a purpose of this model. Thus, the conceptual model of municipal employees is the conditional idealized object visualizing set of the competences allowing the municipal employee to perform effectively assigned functions. Formation of requirements to level and characteristics of professionalism of municipal employees is carried out on the basis of accounting specifics of the tasks modern activity of local governments is directed on. The uniform competence-based model in the process of preparation, hiring and subsequent professional development will provide not only high-quality social services to the population, effective life support of the population of the municipal unit but also formation of the mechanism of management of professionalizing of municipal employees.
Key words competence-based model, municipal management, municipal employees, concept of development, professionalism, model, competences
Article information
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