Article name Characteristic of linguistic educational program for senior preschool children in the system of supplementary education
Authors Mashinistova N.V.English teacher, postgraduate nа
Bibliographic description
UDK 372.217
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of linguistic education in pre-school institutions. Study of foreign languages at under school age meets the requirements of modern society and promotes the development of harmonious personality. The modern linguistic educational preschool program should be closely connected with the linguistic program of primary school and realized in accordance with demands of new educational standards. Being a supplementary program it is founded on the main principles of the basic program. The program should also develop universal educational operations, personal competences and special abilities for learning foreign languages.
Key words linguistic educational program, system of supplementary preschool education, new educational standards, universal educational operations, personal competence
Article information
Full articleCharacteristic of linguistic educational program for senior preschool children in the system of supplementary education