Article name “Universal Kinship” Ideal in N. F. Fyodorov’s Philosophy of Common Cause as an Interpretation of the Decalogue’s Fifth Commandment
Authors Zasukhina V.N.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 091
Article type
Annotation The main idea of N. F. Fyodorov’s philosophy of common cause is “universal kinship” (supramoralizm), dating back to the Christian eschatology and ecclesiology. The thinker considers supramoralizm to be an ideal state of the world that is not available to humanity due to the lost sense of kinship and the forgotten Decalogue’s fifth commandment based on honoring parents. Fyodorov regards recovery of ancestors’ ashes as a means to restore the unity of cosmic and human – that universal resurrection, which is impossible in “urban” (“landless”) culture built on the “non-kinship” and hostility. Fyodorov’s philosophical ideas are accordant to the modern trends in science. Firstly, they are anthropological: Fyodorov’s philosophical interpretation of Christian theology ideas and the Biblical commandments allowed him to open up new prospects in understanding human place and purpose in the world. Secondly, they fit well in the context of post-nonclassical philosophy notions for non-divergence of religious and natural science. The research is urgent because the heritage of Russian religious philosophy of the 19th–20th centuries has been closed for studying for many decades due to ideological reasons and now it needs special attention and modern understanding. The analysis of the primary sources allows the author to generate understanding of N. F. Fyodorov’s philosophy of common cause as an interpretation of the Biblical commandment to honor parents and make interesting conclusions that this command is a tie for ecclesiological and eschatological ideas in Russian thinker’s theories.
Key words universal kinship, supramoralizm, philosophy of common cause, the commandment to honor parents, universal resurrection
Article information
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Full article“Universal Kinship” Ideal in N. F. Fyodorov’s Philosophy of Common Cause as an Interpretation of the Decalogue’s Fifth Commandment