Article name Cultural Dualism of Transbaikal Poet Vyacheslav V’yunov
Authors Kamedina L.V.Doctor of Culturology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 71.05
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Annotation The article is the first attempt to understand the art of Transbaikal poet Vyacheslav V’yunov from culturological point of view. The poet is referred to the cultural phenomenon called “pure art”. The emergence of such a cultural type is associated with periods of “fatigue” from the public-political riots, speeches, declarations and conscious change in aesthetic programme of creative work. The poet’s cultural world is filled with cultural images of beauty, signs of “silence”, reflected pictures of the sky-earth, the internal-external. The 2010s are the most fruitful for appearing the poets of “pure art”. The foundation was laid by F. Tyutchev and A. Fet, the poetic worlds of the Silver Age followed, and the revival is happening now. A cultural type of the man and poet V’yunov relates to a cultural type of the Russian poet and a wealthy landowner Fet. Both figures in regards to life and poetry are ambivalent. Both talk about the agriculture with interest and with the same interest they talk about aesthetic matters. They are mysterious figures for contemporaries, their life and work are considered separately and seem to be incompatible. V. V’yunov’s cultural and poetic world is revealed against the background of slowly flowing Russian life with all its cultural signs. V’yunov’s lyrics is philosophical, it is encoded in symbols, metaphors, images. Its spiritual meanings are represented from the Russian classical poetry and are actualized for “its” reader. The traditional values of people are preserved and revived in cultural world of the poet. They aestheticize in their mind and transmitted to the reader in images of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. V’yunov’s cultural dualism comfortably coexists in rough peasant labor and subtle lyricism of poetic inspiration. Such ambivalence is a paradoxical sign of a new cultural phenomenon.
Key words cultural type, dualism, ambivalence, paradoxicality, poetry of “pure art”
Article information
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Full articleCultural Dualism of Transbaikal Poet Vyacheslav V’yunov