Article name The Role of the Unconscious and Intuition in Corpus Approach-based Linguistic Analysis
Authors Mordovin A.Y.Candidate of Philology, Doctoral Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 81\'322; 004.934; 004.912
Article type
Annotation The article presents a methodological opposition of linguistic text analysis methods based on a corpus approach versus traditional text interpretation. Despite the shared attempts to reveal the hidden meanings within the text, corpus-based methods, such as content-analysis, are principally set against the traditional methods of text analysis. The paper describes the causes determining inability of corpus-based methods to escape completely the methodology of classic philological reconstruction.
Key words text corpus, corpus linguistics, content-analysis, subconscious, intuition
Article information
Full articleThe Role of the Unconscious and Intuition in Corpus Approach-based Linguistic Analysis