Article name Janusz Korczak’s Novel King Matthew the First as a Tool for Expanding Students’ Literary Knowledge of Pedagogic Subjects
Authors Kapinova E.S.PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor
Sokolov I.V.MA, Chief assistan
Terzieva M.T.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.016:81
Article type
Annotation Janusz Korczak’s works reflect the ideas of the radical Polish intellectuals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries enriched with the personal experience and worldview of a man who boasted the encyclopaedism of a pedagogue, the responsibility of a doctor and the uncompromising standpoint of a writer. The training unit has the following stages: a lecture about Janusz Korczak’s oeuvre; a seminar involving a literary analysis of his major work; a test; feedback and evaluation.
Key words creativity, author, childhood encyclopedia, training, aesthetic, message, childhood
Article information
Full articleJanusz Korczak’s Novel King Matthew the First as a Tool for Expanding Students’ Literary Knowledge of Pedagogic Subjects