Article name Features of Sense of Humor as a Psychological Component of the Linguistic Personality of the Journalist
Authors Grishanina A.N.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Grishanina M.Y.Undergraduate
Bibliographic description Grishanina A. N., Grishanina M. Y. Features of Sense of Humor as a Psychological Component of the Linguistic Personality of the Journalist // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. PP. 22–28. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-22-28.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-22-28
UDK 81/27
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the psychological components of the professiogram of a modern journalist; emphasis is placed on such an important feature of personality in modern life and creative conditions, as a sense of humor. This feature of character is considered as part of the linguistic personality of the journalist, as the modern Creator of media text should take into account the real reality and processes of actualization of irony and self-irony in the media consumer. The journalist positions himself with the help of the text created by him, which serves for him both as a tool of knowledge and a way of expressing himself. Modern media text as a translator of public interests tends to the need for the presence of both. The authors conducted psychological research on the correlation of a sense of humor and accentuation of the character of the person. Recently, there have been active and numerous discussions in the Russian and world media space about the need for general and special abilities in journalism. In connection, an attempt was made to extrapolate the results of studies of accentuations and a sense of humor on people who write texts for the media. The paper also briefly presents studies on the relationship between styles of humor and various character accentuations. Data processing was performed using statistical, correlation and factor analysis. The authors emphasize that humor is a fairly strong way that helps to make the media interesting, effective and convenient for the perception of the modern reader, the hypothesis is put forward that humor increases the credibility of the mediatext. The material also poses the task of effectively using the abilities and character traits of a “writer” person in professional activities.
Key words journalism, mass media, personality, linguistic personality, character accentuation, extralinguistic characteristics, humor
Article information
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