Article name The Author’s Stance and the Image of the Reader in “The Golden Rose” by K. G. Paustovsky: an Aspect of Chinese Research Experience
Authors Krylov V.N.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Yang Yan ..Postgraduate Degree Seeker
Bibliographic description Krylov V. N., Yang Yan. The Author’s Stance and the Image of the Reader in “The Golden Rose” by K. G. Paustovsky: an Aspect of Chinese Research Experience // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. PP. 51–59. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-51-59.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-5-51-59
UDK 821.161.1
Article type
Annotation This paper is a sequel to an earlier study dedicated to the question of the image of the author-narrator in “The Golden Rose” novella by K. G. Paustovsky. Following the comprehensive approach to the study of the perception of aesthetic problems posed by this novella in China made us turn to the issues of the author’s stance and the image of the reader that are relevant to contemporary Russian and Chinese comparative literature studies. Making use of the reception-based and discursive methods of the analysis, the author aims to identify the unique features intrinsic to the perception and the comprehension of the above image by Chinese scholars in the context of the novella. The original research contribution is that for the first time in the body of literature published on the subject an attempt is made to analyze the unique features of the author’s stance, which will serve as a backbone for delineating the interaction between the author and the reader and will elucidate the connotation of the image of the author in the above text. The paper presents an effort to clarify the humanitarian and aesthetic standpoints of the writer that enjoy the most demand in the contemporary China and to construct a multifaceted literary portrait of K. Paustovsky as he appears in the Chinese cultural reception. We claim that the image of this author of universal appeal can be revealed not only through his vision and understanding of the world but also through his amicable relationship with the image of the reader. An analysis of the author’s voice appears to be essential for rendering the highly individuated Paustovsky’s worldview. Our findings may be of interest not only to the researchers of the writer’s output willing to get a more comprehensive view of his aesthetic ideas but also to those literary scholars who study Sino-Russian literary connections.
Key words image of the author, author’s stance, image of the reader, novella “The Golden Rose”, reception, Paustovsky’s image
Article information
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Full articleThe Author’s Stance and the Image of the Reader in “The Golden Rose” by K. G. Paustovsky: an Aspect of Chinese Research Experience