Article name Socio-Cultural Context of Contemporary Philosophy of Patriotism
Authors Kovrigina G.D.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 321.1 + 321.8
Article type
Annotation The article examines the socio-cultural conditions, mechanisms and prerequisites for the development of patriotism, analyzes the contradictory forms of its development and studies the disintegration processes on the part of the authorities and society that prevent the formation of a unified concept of the philosophy of patriotism in modern society. The work shows a dynamic portrait of residents of the Siberian Federal District through the prism of assessments of the patriotic, as well as the conditions and prospects for its development in the future. More and less patriotic subjects of the Siberian Federal District have been identified. On the basis of this, the cognitive, affective, activity components of the basic conditions for the development of the philosophy of patriotism and, in general, the consolidation of society were revealed. The subjective conditions for constructing a relationship to the territory where a person lives and the objective indicators of its development in the present and in the future are disclosed.Using the example of empirical research, it is proved that the patriotic component is then strong and actively introduced in everyday life and on the ideological state level, when among residents of different subjects of the Russian Federation there is a single field for the perception of their Motherland, Fatherland, Earth. The category of ideal patriotism is replaced by real everyday practice – love and duty towards your country.
Key words patriotism, philosophy, love of the fatherland, homeland, social ideas, social attitudes
Article information
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