Article name Ethnocontact Zones in the Ethnic-Cultural Space of Russia
Authors Get’manenko N.I.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-2-152-161
UDK 332.122130.1
Article type
Annotation The article deals with geographical aspects of the study of ethno-contact zones. They are multidisciplinary objects that lie in the sphere of scientific interests of ethnology and ethnography, history, social psychology, sociology, and other disciplines. The role of geography is very special because of its methodological apparatus that allows us to study the object as a whole, in the totality of spatial-temporal system relations and factors of its dynamics and evolution. The main thing that distinguishes a geographical approach is identification of territorial structures. The article analyzes approaches to the definition of the ethno-contact zones. The most important features of ethnocontact zones are shown. They are as follows: the geographical position at the junction, intersection or overlay of two or more ethnic areas; the absence of clearly defined natural interethnic boundaries, their permeability, “erosion”, the predominance of contact functions; diachronic and synchronous interethnic interaction; the presence of a transition zone, marginal ethno – cultural facts, the specificity of ethno-cultural landscapes. The author’s definition of ethno-contact zones and its topology are given.
Key words ethno-contact zone, ethnic area, ethnic boundaries, ethnic-cultural space
Article information
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