Article name Ethnocultural Themes in the Media: Typological Review
Authors Reva , ; E.K.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Reva E. K. Ethnocultural Themes in the Media: Typological Review // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 2. PP. 181–191. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-2-181-191.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-2-181-191
UDK 654. 197, 070
Article type Original article
Annotation The relevance of the study is due to the ethnocultural diversity of the Russian Federation, which is reflected in the media, the action of the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, which, along with the existing directions, provides information support for state national policy, and the fact that thematically 2022 is the Year of folk art and intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. The article presents the results of qualitative analysis of media materials representing the traditional culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The empirical basis of the study is materials of all types of federal media for the period from 2013 to the present: periodical printing, television, radio, news agencies. On the basis of typological, institutional, functional analysis, the components of ethnoculture reflected in traditional media (traditions, customs, holidays, national cuisine, national costume, crafts and crafts) were identified, methods of representing the unique culture of the peoples of Russia (genres and formats, inclusion of information about the ethnoculture of the peoples of Russia in media materials with a different main theme). The functioning of ethnocultural topics is emphasized in television programs, the content of which is aimed at the development of domestic tourism, as well as in television reports on political topics. The article emphasizes that ethnoculture is an integral part of the life of the ethnos, which determines its philosophy and mental features. Media reflecting the specifics of the traditional culture of peoples are a tool for disseminating knowledge about their history and culture, a resource for fixing and storing information about the ethnocultural diversity of our country. Based on the definition of guardians of intangible culture, laid down in the Draft Law “On Intangible Ethno-Cultural Heritage of the Russian Federation”, this category is legitimate to include the institution of the media, which is of great importance in the formation of ethnographic literacy of the population and ensuring interethnic harmony. The topic is promising in the aspect of studying the media representation of the traditional culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation directly in the Year of Folk Art and the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Peoples and the subsequent qualitative and quantitative analysis of the reflection of ethnoculture in the media.
Key words state national policy, ethnopolitics, inter ethnic, ethnoculture, peoples of Russia, representation, mass media typology
Article information
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