Article name “70 Years without Pastoral Care…”: the History of the Revival of the Orthodox Parish in Ulan Bator
Authors Plekhanova A.M.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Kornienko N.N.Candidate of Theology, Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Plekhanova A. M., Kornienko N. N. “70 Years without Pastoral Care…”: the History of the Revival of the Orthodox Parish in Ulan Bator // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 113–121. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-113-121.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-113-121
UDK 94(517.3)+281.9(517.3)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the history of the revival of the Holy Trinity parish in Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Historical reconstruction of the process of revival and juridical legalization of the Orthodox parish is based on the personal archive materials of protopriest Oleg Matveev, abbot of the Dormition Church in Kyakhta, which was entrusted pastoral care of reviving Orthodox church in the capital of Mongolia in the second half of the 1990s. During the research it was determined that the revival of the Orthodox community in Ulan Bator was the result of displaying initiative by “local Russian” population of Mongolia (the Society of Russian citizens permanently residing in Mongolia). The role of the clergy of the Diocese of Chita and Trans-Baikal in the revival and pastoral care of the church community in the capital of Mongolia is defined in the article. It was found that not only the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, but officials from both the Russian and the Mongolian side contributed to the restoration of the Holy Trinity parish. It is found that currently the Orthodox community in Mongolia is one of the most minority confessions represented in the country. Orthodoxy in Mongolia is professed (as it was before the revolution of 1917), mainly by Russian population. It is proved that at the current period the objective reality of the ROC activities in Mongolia is performed by the religious component, consisting in the nourishment of the Russian-speaking population in the conditions of residence outside the borders of Russia confessional space.
Key words Russian Orthodox Church, Mongolia, Ulan Bator, Holy Trinity Parish, missionary, protopriest Oleg Matveev, church, community, the religious
Article information
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Full article“70 Years without Pastoral Care…”: the History of the Revival of the Orthodox Parish in Ulan Bator