Article name Conceptualizing the Anthropological Dimension of the Languages of Knowing in Modern Culture
Authors Simonov Y.P.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Simonov Yu. I. Conceptualizing the Anthropological Dimension of the Languages of Knowing in Modern Culture // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 124–131. DOI: 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-124-131.
DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-124-131
UDK 130.2
Article type
Annotation The urgency of the research is defined by the need of data classification on the differences between the ways of knowing in culture, as well as new processes related to the balance between science, art and religion in the modern world, the changing role of philosophy and the need to clarify all ways mentioned above as the “languages of knowing” in anthropological and axiological dimensions. The methods of hermeneutics and categorical analysis used in the research are based on the principles of objectivity and dynamism. Anthropological approach is also employed, promoting concentration on the problem of “analogy dismantling” in cognition. The novelty of the research consists in the conclusion that philosophy is a “core unfinished project” aimed at searching for a personal synthesis of knowing at a new level. In this case each of the “languages of knowing” has its inherent value, is not reducible to the other ones. Staying within the framework of thinking, the “languages of knowing” cannot be reduced either to psycho-social projections or to imitative modes of activity acquisition. On the whole, understanding the ways of knowing possibilities and limitations through the anthropological dimension elucidates the vital task – cultural comprehensive study through the prism of philosophical reflection.
Key words philosophy, culture, languages of knowing, religion and art, concept, paradox, paragon
Article information
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