Article name Тhe Existential Space in the Language Picture of the World of Transbaikalia Pioneers in the Language of the Written Monuments of the Nerchinsk Voivodeship in the XVII–XVIII Centuries
Authors Biktimirova Y.V.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Biktimirova Yu. V. Тhe Existential Space in the Language Picture of the World of Transbaikalia Pioneers in the Language of the Written Monuments of the Nerchinsk Voivodeship in the XVII–XVIII Centuries // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 6–15. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-5-6-15.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-5-6-15
UDK 81’373.222
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the description of such a fragment of the language picture of the world of Transbaikalia pioneers as the existential space, which is reflected in the worldview of Transbaikalia residents and recorded in the language of written monuments of the Nerchinsk Voivodeship in the XVII–XVIII centuries. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that we reveal the factors that organize the mental structuring of the existential space in two coordinate systems “the geographical space” and “the administrative space” and the place of the linguistic personality in it through the analysis of administrative, economic, military, everyday vocabulary. Methods of semantic field to determine the paradigmatic and hierarchical relations within the field of “existential space” and the construction of a fragment of the language picture of the world “linguistic personality in the existential space”, confirm the hypothesis put forward in the course of the study, about the identity of the existential space of the language picture of the world of Transbaikalia residents. The result of the research is the identification of a special mental perception of the space beyond the Baikal mastered by the Russian pioneers: in the center of the existential space there is a linguistic personality who is aware of herself and her place in space in the system of two coordinates: “geographical space” and “administrative space”. When developing new lands, the linguistic personality perceives the geographical space as new, alien, opposed to “Rus”. Administrative space is transmitted through the perception of public and personal. With the development of the surrounding world, the space of pioneers is narrowed to the borders of the Nerchinsk Voivodeship and is subject to hierarchy, thanks to a clear self-identification of the linguistic personality.
Key words language picture of the world, linguistic personality, regional monuments of writing, existential space, semantic field
Article information
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Full articleТhe Existential Space in the Language Picture of the World of Transbaikalia Pioneers in the Language of the Written Monuments of the Nerchinsk Voivodeship in the XVII–XVIII Centuries