Article name A Rock Art Survey in Trans-Baikal Territory in 2017
Authors Ponomareva I.A.PhD Candidate
Bibliographic description Ponomareva I. A. Rock Art Survey in Trans-Baikal Territory in June 2017 // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 82–96. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-6-82-93.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-6-82-93
UDK 902.2
Article type
Annotation This paper is a brief report on a field survey of rock art sites carried out by the author in June 2017. The fieldwork has been supported by Griffith University (Australia) and it is a part of the author’s ongoing PhD project on the rock art of East Siberia (Neolithic-Bronze Age). The field research also included the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and the Republic of Buryatia, although only the results of fieldwork in Trans-Baikal Territory are published in this paper. The novelty of this research is that for many decades, there has not been a rock art survey conducted on such a scale, resulting in documenting of 108 sites in three regions of Russia. The research on the Siberian rock art is highly relevant since rock art is a key to understanding prehistoric, as well as contemporary culture-historical and social events and processes. The fieldwork was focused on searching for and locating of known rock art sites. They were documented using modern non-invasive methods (description, GPS, photography, selectively – photogrammetry and plan drawing). As a result, 28 sites, including three new ones, were documented. In addition, new panels and paintings were discovered at the sites previously documented. The documentation of the sites also included preservation assessment and terrible conditions of some sites were notes. Some discoveries have been made which point to the importance of further research on possibly Palaeolithic rock art.
Key words rock paintings, rock art, rock art sites, Palaeolithic rock art, Selenga group, vandalism, preservation of historical-cultural heritage
Article information
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