Article name The Russian Language System of Verbal Forms Construction: Linguodidactic Representation of Taxis Relations in the Sentence
Authors Akimova I.I.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Akimova I. I. The Russian Language System of Verbal Forms Construction: Linguodidactic Representation of Taxis Relations in the Sentence // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No.1. PP. 56–64.
UDK УДК 81-119
Article type
Annotation The article considers taxis relations in the polypredicative and polypropositive Russian language proposal with regard to the speech mode (register). This fragment of Russian grammar is not reflected in “Russian grammar-80” and has not yet become the subject of a study of linguodidactics, which determines the relevance of the study. The work presents an understanding of the category of the Russian verbal form in the direction of the Functional-Communicative grammar (M. V. Vsevolodov and others), a description of taxis situations of various types that form the structure of the relative time category (proposed taxis) is given.The research was carried out on the material of polypropositive and polypredicative constructions of the Russian language, in the direction of the functional and communicative linguodidactic language model (M. V. Vsevolodov and others). Taxis situations of different types are presented. We conclude that there is a need for a linguodidactic representation of the taxis category for inophones with the aim of mastering the category of verbal aspectuality and teaching the understanding and use of temporal forms in the narrative mode of speech.
Key words aspectuality of the verb, grammatical type, taxis, linguodidactics, Russian grammar for foreigners
Article information
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Full articleThe Russian Language System of Verbal Forms Construction: Linguodidactic Representation of Taxis Relations in the Sentence