Article name Buryat Annotations on Lamrim: Content of the Work
Authors Daribazaron D.E.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Daribazaron D. E. Buryat Annotations on Lamrim: Content of the Work // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No.1. PP. 162–168.
UDK 294.321
Article type
Annotation The article continues to discuss the results of a study of “Buryat annotations on lamrim”, a text in Tibetan composed by Mongolian lamas in the beginning of the 20th century. In the earlier article, we presented the historiographical analysis of the text and an overview of development of the lamrim literature in Tibet. Here we will discuss the structure and content of the work. “Buryat annotations on lamrim”, being a commentary to “The Easy Path” of the First Panchen Lama, retains the structure of the latter, typical for lamrim works. What differs is the way these structures are filled: while “The Easy Path” contains only concise meditation instructions, “Buryat annotations on lamrim” explains lamrim topics through tales, fables and stories. None of them are mentioned in “The Easy Path”, but we come across many of them in other lamrim works. Many of lamrims, formally conceived as commentaries to earlier works of this genre, are not mere commentaries but original works reflecting the historical circumstances in which they were composed. Use of fables and stories in “Buryat annotations on lamrim”, in our opinion, shows that there was a need to simplify Buddhist doctrine to make it more accessible to common people.
Key words lamrim, Buryatia, Tibetan Buddhist literature, fairy tales
Article information
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Full articleBuryat Annotations on Lamrim: Content of the Work