Article name The Role of Mass Media in the Process of Statehood of Transdniestria
Authors Oleynikov S.V.Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Oleynikov S. V. The Role of Mass Media in the Process of Statehood of Transdniestria // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 75–83. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-75-83.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-75-83
UDK 341.231.5+070
Article type
Annotation Historical analysis of the events of the late 1980s – early 1990s allows us to take a fresh look at the reasons of their emergence and to define potential threats which we can expect in the long term, if we do not learn lessons of the past. The collapse of the once unified state not only caused a parade of sovereignties and formation of the new states, but also changed historical way as all system of a world order as the system of values of the individual. Collision of ideologies and, more widely, civilizations in the countries of the new abroad forced inhabitants of certain regions to rise in defense of the interests, century traditions and the right for life, the culture and language. The huge role in addition to historical, political, economic and cultural factors was played by the arising information institutes of a new type different from the Soviet theory of the press. It was the mass media that transformed and opposed ideological positions of the “title” and “not title” population at the turn of the last decades of the 20th century. Prompt dynamics of an increase in the number of both periodicals and electronic media and appearance of their new information paradigm is reflected in the article. The extraordinary circumstances in which the new media of Pridnestrovye performed as a tool of struggle, ideological opposition with the parent state and consolidation of society in the context of own state construction are described.
Key words “title” and “not title” population, ethnocratic policy, civil conflict, ideological confrontation, consolidation of society
Article information
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