Article name System View of the Process of Historical Development
Authors Shagiakhmetov M.R.Candidate of Law
Bibliographic description The author indicating the relationship of the philosophical views of the nature of thinking and the methodology of knowledge justifies the need for a systematic approach to overcome the fragmentation and disunity of the Humanities. Using a systematic approach, the author gives his interpretation of historical development, as human development in interaction with the surrounding reality, as the process of forming the system of “man and nature”. Based on the finding that the interaction of humans and nature is mediated by a system of “public consciousness and public practice”, the author offers an interpretation of the main stages of historical development as the interdependent development of the system of the individual, social consciousness and social practice. System interpretation of the process of historical development allows us to have a fresh look at global problems of the modern world, in which the representatives of societies at different levels of development meet. Manifestation of such clashes is the “migration crisis” in Western Europe and the confrontation of Western countries with Russia. In accordance with the conducted system analysis, the society of the West is in the state of dualistic impasse between subjectivism of utilitarian individualism and objectivism of transcendental truth. Due to the greater unity of the objective over the subjective in a materialistic world, 70 years of its dominance in our country were a period of accelerated human development, and what is happening in Russia, changes are manifestations of a new quality of mind.
UDK 30(008)
Article type
Annotation The author indicating the relationship of the philosophical views of the nature of thinking and the methodology of knowledge justifies the need for a systematic approach to overcome the fragmentation and disunity of the Humanities. Using a systematic approach, the author gives his interpretation of historical development, as human development in interaction with the surrounding reality, as the process of forming the system of “man and nature”. Based on the finding that the interaction of humans and nature is mediated by a system of “public consciousness and public practice”, the author offers an interpretation of the main stages of historical development as the interdependent development of the system of the individual, social consciousness and social practice. System interpretation of the process of historical development allows us to have a fresh look at global problems of the modern world, in which the representatives of societies at different levels of development meet. Manifestation of such clashes is the “migration crisis” in Western Europe and the confrontation of Western countries with Russia. In accordance with the conducted system analysis, the society of the West is in the state of dualistic impasse between subjectivism of utilitarian individualism and objectivism of transcendental truth. Due to the greater unity of the objective over the subjective in a materialistic world, 70 years of its dominance in our country were a period of accelerated human development, and what is happening in Russia, changes are manifestations of a new quality of mind.
Key words dualism, the subjective and the objective, a system of unity, the individual, social consciousness, public practice
Article information
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Full articleSystem View of the Process of Historical Development