Article name Comparative Research of the Archetypal Concept of The Divine Child in L. F. Baum’s Fairy Story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its Russian Analogues
Authors Kuzina Y.V.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description Kuzina Yu. V. Comparative Research of the Archetypal Concept of The Divine Child in L. F. Baum’s Fairy Story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its Russian Analogues // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 88–95. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853- 2017-12-2-88-95.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-88-95
UDK 81’27:811.111
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of a comparative linguocultural research based on the fairy story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. F. Baum and its Russian analogues – its translation by S. Belov and literary interpretation by A. M. Volkov. Since the research is conducted at the confluence of linguistics and culturology, it unites purely linguistic and cultural approaches. The central notions of the presented research are the linguocultural type and archetypal concept; both are the kinds of the linguocultural concepts. The research methodology we have developed is aimed at identifying the representations of the linguocultural types and archetypal concepts in the characters of literary works, and dates back to the method of description of the linguocultural types by V. I. Karasik and O. A. Dmitrieva. In the course of the study, linguocultural types and archetypal concepts embodied in the characters of the fairy story were identified as well as the peculiarities of their transformation in the Russian analogues of the literary work. This article considers the individual characteristics of the archetypal concept of the Divine Child, represented in Dorothy (Ellie in the literary interpretation by A. M. Volkov), and describes its transformation in the Russian analogues of the fairy tale.
Key words linguocultural concept, archetypal concept the Divine Child, L. F. Baum, cognitive semantics, metaphorical modeling
Article information
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Full articleComparative Research of the Archetypal Concept of The Divine Child in L. F. Baum’s Fairy Story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its Russian Analogues